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Interloc Solutions Blog

Interested in anything & everything Maximo? Subscribe to the Interloc Solutions 100% Maximo blog to stay up-to-date on the latest IBM Maximo news.

Blog Feature

Maximo Mobility

By: Aaron Hermes
April 15th, 2020

Many companies have embraced technology to improve their ability to manage their assets. The technical evolution may begin with implementing a formal Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system, like Maximo, to replace their existing jumble of spreadsheets, clipboards, and post-it notes that emerged out of necessity to keep track of the assets in their world. At the far end of the journey, emerging technologies like IOT connected meters and monitors can automate data collection, enable sophisticated condition monitoring, and support predictive analytics to anticipate failures before they occur.

Blog Feature

Mobile Informer | Maximo Mobile | Maximo Mobility | IBM Mobile Informer

By: Jeremy Rempel
December 5th, 2017

When deciding to expand Maximo usage to a mobile deployment, one of the primary considerations is ensuring the system will be both scalable and secure. Delivering data updates securely is important. Mobile Informer uses TLS transport encryption end to end. Supporting a complete offline experience requires supporting all of the Maximo business rules and supporting data by preemptively synchronizing all relevant data.

Blog Feature

Mobile Informer | Maximo Mobility | IBM Maximo

By: Jeremy Rempel
October 2nd, 2015

If you have limited network coverage, you know that offline mobility for Maximo matters. Your network goes down and you lose work, can’t access documents or work orders, and data is not transmitted back to Maximo.

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